19th International Congress of Contemporary Research on the Middle East, DAVO Congress
4 – 6 October 2012
Erlangen, Germany
The German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO) is calling for papers for its 19th International Congress. The conference will be held at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, chaired by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schumann (Professur für Politik und Zeitgeschichte des Nahen Ostens) and Dr. Jörn Thielmann (Erlanger Zentrum für Islam und Recht in Europa EZIRE). Amke Dietert, the General Secretary of the Congress, is responsible for the organizational tasks.
We welcome papers on all fields of contemporary Middle East studies and the impact of this region on other parts of the world. Middle East studies are understood to include disciplines relevant to the study of an area comprising all members of the League of Arab States, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel and the Muslim states of the former USSR.
A Welcome Address by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schumann
Please forward your registration forms and enquiries only to the following address:
DAVO Congress, Mrs Amke Dietert, Carl-Cohn-Strasse 73, D-22297 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: ++49-40-5133671,
Email: amke.dietert@googlemail.com
Pre-organized Panels and Individual Papers:
Proposals for pre-organized panels and workshops on a common theme with at least three papers to be presented and chair are welcome. The coordinators of such pre-organized panels are also responsible for the quality of the papers and may reject papers with summaries of low quality.
Individual paper submissions will be grouped into panels. Although most of the papers will be held in German, English papers and discussions are strongly encouraged. Generally, 20 minutes will be allowed for each presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Every proposal for a paper has to be accompanied by an abstract of about 300 words. The decision about the acceptance or refusal of the proposed papers will be taken according to the quality of the abstract.
Summaries of Proposed Papers and Panels:
Every summary of the proposed papers and panels will be reviewed by two scholars who accept or refuse the proposed contribution according to the following criteria:
- Is the paper based on a clearly stated research question?
- What is the methodological approach of this paper?
- Does it develop an argument, does it attempt to verify on hypothesis, or does it answer the research question on the basis of the author`s empirical findings or the results of a study based on other sources?
- Does this paper take into account the latest state of research?
- Does this paper contain innovative aspects?
The review of the proposed panels will take into account the academic quality and the coherence of the papers. Please keep these academic standards in mind when you formulate the summary of your paper or pre-organized panel.
General Meeting of DAVO:
The General Meeting of the members of DAVO is due to be held during the Congress on Thursday, 4 October 2012 at 11-13 h (Kollegienhaus of the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Universitätsstrasse 15, 91054 Erlangen).
[Click here to visit the conference website.]